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As a teacher I strive to use innovative methods to engage students in the wonders of human diversity, in understanding the  structures that provide challenges and supports for well-being, and developing the skills in research & collaborative problem solving that prepare them for whatever life throws them.

My courses are driven by questions.

How do epidemics reveal and amplify inequities, & then normalize them?

ATH 190C
Epidemics & Inequities

What actually is global health & why does it matter? 

GHS 101
Introduction to Global Health

How do people around the world deal with the
human universal
of sickness?


ATH 348
Medical Anthropology

How does a cultural world impact who you are, how you suffer, and whether you are "normal"?

ATH 368
Psychological Anthropology

How do the American medical structures impact the care you get? 

ATH 378
Doctors, Clinics,
and Epidemics

How do you transition from an anthropology major into a career? 

ATH 390
Career Paths with Anthropology

How do you lead a transdisciplinary and creative team?

GHS 491
Leadership in
Global Health 

How do you design research & write a grant proposal?
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