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Substance Use Recovery and Neonatal Exposure

How might we better support people with lived experience on the recovery journey?


The Recovery Housing Gap Analysis

How many recovery houses are there in the Greater Cincinnati area, and how many are needed? With funding from a local non-profit, Interact for Health, we used multiple methods to answer this question. Together with Abbe Lackmeyer, MGS, we identified every recovery house in the twenty county, tri-state region of Greater Cincinnati, completed an epidemiological analysis of need, and conducted and analyzed 40 focus groups with 194 people with lived experience, their family members, case managers, and care providers to better understand the role of recovery housing in the recovery journey. Our complete findings are available in the report available on the Interact for Health website.

Recovery Housing Gap Analysis. 2020. Report completed for Interact for Health.


The R-silience Project

One of the more surprising outcomes of the Recovery Housing Gap Analysis was that people reported finding recovery houses because they were lucky. With funding from the Ohio Department of Higher Education, I led a team of faculty, undergraduates, and community stakeholders to develop a mobile app and integrated website to take luck out of the equation and empower people on the recovery journey to more easily find a recovery house that fits their needs.

To find out more, click on the R-silience logo:

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