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Physician Decision Making
Hay, M. Cameron, Thomas S. Weisner, Naihua Duan, Saskia Subramanian, Edward Nedenski, and Richard Kravitz. 2008. “Harnessing Experience: Exploring the gap between Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Practice.” Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Experience. 14(5):707-13.
Kravitz, Richard, Ed Nedenski, Naihua Duan, M. Cameron Hay, Saskia Subramanian, and Thomas S. Weisner. 2008. “Whatever happened to N-of-1 trials.” Milbank Quarterly. 86(4): 533-555.
Kravitz, Richard, Debora A. Paterniti, M. Cameron Hay, Saskia Subramanian, Dionne Evans Dean, Thomas S. Weisner, Sunita Vohra, and Naihua Duan. 2009. “Marketing Therapeutic Precision: Facilitators and Barriers to Adoption of N-of-1 Trials.” Contemporary Clinical Trials. 30(5): 436-445.
Hay, M. Cameron. 2016. “The Heart of Clinical Relationships: Doctor-Patient Communication in Rheumatology.” P. Nicassio, ed. Psychosocial Aspects of Arthritis: Perspectives on Adjustment and Management. Pp. 117-132. Springer Press. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-22858-7
Hay, M. Cameron, TS Weisner, SK Subramanian. 2016. “What Makes for the Best Clinical Care?: Using Trigger Films to Better Integrate Guidelines and Experience.” In Methods that Matter, MC Hay, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hay, M. Cameron and Kerby Hyland. 2021. “Assymetrical Laughter by a Provider Erodes Trust.” The Rheumatologist. Nov. 14.