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Patient Access to Online Health Information


Hay, MC, Cadigan RJ, Khanna D, Strathman CM, Altman R, McMahon M, Kokab M, Lieber E, Furst DE.  2008. “Prepared Patients: The Internet and New Rheumatology Patients.” Arthritis Care and Research. 59(4): 575-582. DOI: 10.1002/art.23533



Strathmann, Cynthia and M. Cameron Hay. 2008. “I’m paying your salary here!: Social Inequality, Consumerism, and the Politics of Space in Medical Clinics.” Human Organization. 67(1): 49-60.



Hay, MC, Strathmann C, Lieber E, Wick K, Giesser B. 2008.  “Why patients go online: Multiple Sclerosis, the Internet, and Physician-Patient Communication.” Neurologist. 14(6):374-381. DOI: 10.1097/NRL.0b013e31817709bb



Strathmann, Cynthia and M. Cameron Hay. 2009. “Working the Waiting Room: Managing Fear, Hope, and Rage at the Clinic Gate.” Medical Anthropology. 28(3): 212-234. DOI: 10.1080/01459740903070840



Agrawal, Harsh, M. Cameron Hay, Elizabeth R. Volkmann, Paul Maranian, Dinesh Khanna, Daniel E Furst.  2012.“Satisfaction and Access to Clinical Care in a Rheumatology Clinic at a Large Urban Medical Center.” Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 18(4):209-211. DOI: 10.1097/RHU.0b013e318259aa1b


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